Same culprits: running and turned out dancer's feet and this time add a bad choice of terrain.
I know better. I just don't exercise what I know, you know?
So I ran on a treadmill with my Vivo. Then there was a crack.. I rock at efficiency! break your foot in less than 15 minutes may be the title of another post. I'll explain further how to enhance your chances of injury.
So yesterday I did something unheard of for me. I had it looked at. I had an x-ray. I confirmed my fears, although I have self-treated for this before, as evidenced here or here or I have a few more of those... somewhere.
In any case, thus ensued a forced adventure in slowing down, looking at the bumps on the road, and learning to graciously accept door openings, and here are my listed findings, for those curious enough to walk in my shoes. Or in my one shoe and my one air cast boot, more accurately speaking:
- Crutches fit in a small size sedan. I was worried for a minute. (plus)
- You gotta make sure you really secure it under your armpit. (con)
- They are great conversation tools. One day, I might just wear them for fun instead of need and see how many more people I talk to that day. (plus)
- You can trip. OMG can you trip. On whatever you call the bottom of the door frame, the rugs, you name it. You have to watch out for separations between elevator and floor, and it is toootally an exercise in caution. (con).
- People open doors for you. Pick , plus or con. I normally do the opening, so it's a con for me, but I'm learning not to feel like a wuss. This is the exercise in help-acceptance.
- Upper body work out. (total plus).
- Time management.... (total con). I want to go fast I want to go fast I want to...almost fall, no, not going that fast.
- You could trip others. May come in handy if needed. (not assigned).
- Can't get coffee.
- This is really the worst. So much so I'd assign it 3 times the bad points. Upon parking, exiting vehicle, donning my backpack and safely and securely unholstering my crutches, I realized there would be NO COFFEE!!! on my walk to the office, for logisitical reasons obviously. This was the day I saw myself forced to pick between crutches and coffee and it shall live in infamy.
- Getting off on the wrong floor is so close yet so far away... no stairs for you today. Reminder: Count your blessings! --so plus.
Overall, a plus, if not for the coffee, my third world problem, which turns it all upside down.
All the things you wouldn't learn if you didn't break your feet.
Here's One of today's lessons:
"The central question of a warrior's training is not how we avoid uncertainty and fear but how we relate to discomfort. How do we practice with difficulty, with our emotions, with the unpredictable encounters of an ordinary day?" Pema Chodron
--with a smile and a gentle disposition. whenever possible. (me).